Monday, December 14, 2009

Congress Deadlocked Over How To Not Provide Health Care

We all have our guilty pleasures.
The Onion is mine.

I know it's not be best source for anything, and I probably shouldn't even mention it on this blog, but I just laugh at everything they write. Also, It's a way to get your thoughts out there. Sarcasm can go a long way you know.

I found this article on their website under "Politics," haha.

Basically, they’re poking fun at the government as it is functioning now and basically saying that everyone is fully aware that health care is necessary for Americans, but there is too much at risk because it is such a big deal.

The article says,
‘"No matter what we come up with," Reid continued, "rest assured that millions of citizens will remain dangerously uninsured, and the inflated health care industry will continue to bankrupt the country for decades."’

This is meant to be a joke, but a more scholarly source written by two students at the University of Michigan called “The Development of an Unequal Social Safety Net: A Case Study of the Employer-based Health Insurance (Non) System” talks about something similar.

Basically, the idea is that the government is broken to begin with. You’ve heard it before, “the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.”

However, the United States is a country where there are supposed to be all these opportunities but the safety net that is provided for these people who need help is not efficient and no one bill can change that because the root of the problem is that there are the few on top who will not allow the many found at the bottom climb up.

It was funny to see the same view come through in two different sources though.

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